Tag Archives: sleep

What’s your morning ritual?

We’re a bit nuts in the Gottfried household in the morning, which doesn’t surprise many who know me or my wife, also known as Dr. Sara. She’s a doctor who practices functional medicine and a three time New York Times bestselling health author. And as you likely know, I’m a green building nerd, obsessed with not only LEED Platinum buildings, but those that have gone deeper into regeneration of energy, water, and our health.

How we wake up each morning has lasting impact. Do you race out of bed to the kitchen to get your morning caffeine, or do you meditate quietly for 30 minutes as you calm your sympathetic nervous system and lower your cortisol? Do you take the time to eat a nutritious breakfast, or consciously skip it as you rush out the door? And what measurements or supplementation, if any, do you perform or take each morning?

This blog shares the quirky inside scoop of our morning rituals – mostly health based, that help set us up for a fabulous day of energy, mental acuity, and athleticism. Most of them I like, a few are tolerable and one I hate… Continue reading

Episode 38 Ben Greenfield

Have you ever thought about the impact of artificial light on your circadian rhythm, checked your ability to achieve high-performance activity through heart rate variability [HRV], or checked your poop or DNA to figure out how to eat?

Under the guidance [sometimes I call it other things] of my wife, Dr. Sara, I’ve not only been subjected to these tests, but now prick my finger daily to see if I’ll survive the day, and only if my sleep score is above 100% and my RHR [resting heart rate] is in the zone. And boy was my poop test revealing… not to mention by 23andme.

Tuning our bodies to perform and sustain a healthy life balance is hard for most of us. There’s so much written that it’s confusing how to approach diet, exercise and even sleep. Even figuring out what’s required for basic daily health is hard to navigate: what to eat, how much exercise, stress management, daily priorities.

In this week’s Regen360 iTunes podcast show Ben Greenfield provides us with a fresh and clear perspective to health. He’s part uberhealth coach, biohacker, scientist and ancestral forager. Even learning how Ben spends his day is intriguing and provides unique guidance.

Ben Greenfield is known as one of the world’s foremost health coaches and fitness experts. He has masters degrees in exercise physiology and biomechanics, has written numerous bestselling books including Beyond Training, has a popular podcast show and has competed in races and events for 25 years, including a top triathlete and bodybuilder.

To living a limitless life!

To learn more about Ben – check out http://www.BenGreenfieldFitness.com and http://www.GreenfieldFitnessSystems.com. Enjoy!

Episode 16 Shawn Stevenson

A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble falling back to sleep. Once my mind starts racing, an increase in cortisol ensues and the opportunity to increase my REM and deep sleep evaporates. My UP band sleep score depicts my poor performance by giving me a 62% sleep score.

When I measure my fasting blood sugar it’s 103 – some 25 plus points over my goal. During the day I find myself more irritable and the hunger drums bang all day even though I’m eating normal. I’m just off, and find it hard to focus, much less find my joie de vivre. Perhaps this resonates with you too.

Many of us don’t take sleep seriously. But it impacts everything. My wife, Dr. Sara says it has a PR problem. Fortunately, today I’m booting up an entertaining sleep expert in this week’s Regen360 iTunes podcast show. Shawn Stevenson is the bestselling author of Sleep Smarter, which includes a deep dive into sleep and practical measures we can all implement. Shawn has a #1health podcast show and is the founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance.

In this engaging interview Shawn instructs us how to boost growth hormones and our circadian rhythm. We learn to make sleep a sanctuary and its linkage to our gut health, losing weight and being more calm. Sounds too good, right? But it’s within our control if we find the right path.

To deeper sleep!

David Gottfried

Learn more about Shawn here!