Tag Archives: shawn stevenson

Episode 16 Shawn Stevenson

A few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble falling back to sleep. Once my mind starts racing, an increase in cortisol ensues and the opportunity to increase my REM and deep sleep evaporates. My UP band sleep score depicts my poor performance by giving me a 62% sleep score.

When I measure my fasting blood sugar it’s 103 – some 25 plus points over my goal. During the day I find myself more irritable and the hunger drums bang all day even though I’m eating normal. I’m just off, and find it hard to focus, much less find my joie de vivre. Perhaps this resonates with you too.

Many of us don’t take sleep seriously. But it impacts everything. My wife, Dr. Sara says it has a PR problem. Fortunately, today I’m booting up an entertaining sleep expert in this week’s Regen360 iTunes podcast show. Shawn Stevenson is the bestselling author of Sleep Smarter, which includes a deep dive into sleep and practical measures we can all implement. Shawn has a #1health podcast show and is the founder of Advanced Integrative Health Alliance.

In this engaging interview Shawn instructs us how to boost growth hormones and our circadian rhythm. We learn to make sleep a sanctuary and its linkage to our gut health, losing weight and being more calm. Sounds too good, right? But it’s within our control if we find the right path.

To deeper sleep!

David Gottfried

Learn more about Shawn here!