Tag Archives: 2019

Episode 71 David Gottfried

What does the new year mean to you?

Have you thought about it and spent some time writing down your goals?

For me and my wife, Dr. Sara, each new year is a milestone and an opportunity. It’s a time to reflect on the last year, and a time to reset the clock and start anew, with a fresh enthusiasm and focus. But if we aren’t deliberate and intentional about how we want to manifest the year, time will go by fast, and we’ll find ourselves stagnant at the start of next year.

But change is hard for most of us. And we’re all busy. Even more reason to pause and be specific about what we wish and want to deliver for 2019.

This New Year’s podcast gives you five simple exercises to help you goalset and guide yourself to the best year ever.

We’ll cover:

  • What worked in 2018
  • Goals for 2019
    • 3 health goals
    • 3 things to stop doing
    • 3 core work needle movers
    • 3 new things that boost your spirit
    • 3 ways to stay the course

Here’s to living each day of 2019 with intention and to transforming ourselves and the planet towards sustainability and health.

Wishing you a fabulous 2019!

David Gottfried