Tag Archives: srini pillay

Episode 29 Dr. Srini Pillay

How we think is of the utmost. Yet we’re still in the infancy of learning about how our minds work.

Have you noticed that many of your best breakthroughs come when you’re not focusing on problem-solving and checking off boxes on your to-do list? Perhaps this occurred in the shower, or a slow hike in nature or while cooking or gardening. For me, I think I make more money from my bike riding than working at my desk.

I’m guilty of hyperfocus, tending towards OCD when I’m on the trail of completing an important task, solving a problem or incubating a new invention. Sometimes I wake up after obsessively walking or running down that path for a period of time and wonder where I’ve been. To my surprise that period of time can be an hour or two, but sometimes even a year or decade. Too much focus can not only blind us, but it also can take us astray from utilizing the broader talents and character of our full personalities and traits.

Dr. Srini Pillay, in his new book, Tinker Dabble Doodle Try [Unlock the power of the unfocused mind], dares us to tap into our ingenuity and brilliance. He shows us how to boost our creativity, master multitasking, getting unstuck and getting to greatness. It’s all in our minds but needs to be harnessed.

I’m excited for you to meet Dr. Srini Pillay in this week’s Regen360 iTunes podcast show. Our conversation is engaging, and flowing as we learn how our brains can boost productivity as we entertain allowing the unfocused to enter our daily lives.  He writes, “In truth, focus in isolation will actually work against you and disempower you.” Dr. Pillay has one of the most intriguing minds and personalities in my life, and I’m sure you’ll benefit from his erudition. He’s a Harvard trained psychiatrist and professor and an advisor to leading global organizations.

To opening up our minds to full potential!

David Gottfried